Woo hoo! Today we got a lot more done on the costumes. We pinned and cut and sewed. Only a few loose ends and tidbits to finish for tomorrow. See? Pleeeeeeeenty of time. A will be a jedi, and G will be a ghost (if he'll actually wear it after asking for it ;))!

We have people joining us Halloween eve so that the kids can trick or treat together. We are lucky to live in a neighborhood full of families and kids and where so many people know each other - so even just walking down the sidewalk is exciting as everyone runs into neighbors and chats, those answering the doors see if they can guess who is inside the costumes, the sidewalks are full of kids, and it is generally a fun, happy, busy evening! We will come back in to warm apple cider, good food, and perhaps even a Halloween special. The boys made a deal with me to trade in most of their collected candy for their favorite fair trade chocolates and some special goodies - things that they like since they don't usually like much at all from their bags (but costumes and trick or treating are too much fun to miss!). Should be a fun night. I plan to take lots of pictures - hope you do too!
Great costumes! I knew you could do it...
We have a neighborhood like that, too. I know some people don't like trick or treating these days, but for us it's such a community-building, get-to-know-your-neighbors kind of antidote to the lack of community feel in America that I think everyone should start doing it again! When we were kids, EVERYONE was out there. I'd really like to see it get big again. I think the big parties that towns and churches and other places have been holding instead are actually bad for neighborhoods. I'm really happy to live in a nice old-fashioned neighborhood like we have. And even if we didn't, having an excuse to knock on people's doors and present your cute kids and say "hi" is just a great thing!
Congrats for working well under pressure! :) I love the idea of trading in the candy, we might have to offer that option as well.
Great costumes! We don't get trick or treaters here, but we've had lots of fun activities so far and a party to go to tomorrow night with unschooler friends, so it should be fun. Have a fun safe night!
Happy Halloween!!
Have a great night :)
Great! Have fun! Happy Halloween...
nice costumes.your son really looks the part of a jedi.
I like the way your neighborhood sounds. I see trick or treating as a great way to go and say hi to the neighbors as well. Most of them are retired and they seem to enjoy seeing the kids. A is a very cute little Jedi!
Those are very good costumes!
One thing I miss about living in town is the trick-or-treaters. We get none in our remote location!
Sounds like so much fun. We love the whole trick or treating event as well. I also know the 'I don't like what's in my bag", song. I am just amazed AGAIN that you made these costumes! I always take the easy way out and buy one. (I am not talented on my sewing machine)
Have a great Halloween!
PS.. you have been tagged. Please visit my blog for more details..
Have fun and Happy Halloween!
Quote from Bug: "He looks pretty cute like that!"
I tend to agree...
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