The cool days and cold nights have made it perfect to walk outside - no wasps or mosquitoes, bright blue skies, and nice cool temps. We love visiting different trails - from prairie, wetlands, farmland, forest.

Living in Wisconsin one thing we often see, no matter where we hike, is information about Aldo Leopold. On a hike last weekend we once again came across a placquard at a viewing platform about him. A has asked many times about who he is, and has visited the local Aldo Leopold Nature Center and the children's shack.

After our hike, A decided we needed to learn more. We checked out several books - both adult books as well as children's books, and have spent some time learning more about this Wisconsin wildlife ecologist. We plan to visit a few more Wisconsin spots which are rich with his history, and we found a few interesting projects to do together!

I think the boys are interested in hearing about people who spent much of their time in the woods, participating and living fully in nature, and working to improve the environment around them! A can't get enough. Reading these books has spurned questions about ecology, conservation, restoration, sustainable agriculture and more. I think they also just like hearing about people who grew up walking in the woods, playing in the creek, and collecting bugs!

Want more?
A Sand County Almanac (Outdoor Essays & Reflections)
Aldo Leopold:Protector/Wild
Aldo Leopold: American Ecologist (First Books - American Conservationists Series)
Wisconsin DNR :: Aldo Leopold
Aldo Leopold Nature Center: About Aldo
That photo of the dragonfly took my breath away when I saw it...amazing! I haven't heard of Aldo Leopold before, but I looked at a few of those links and he looks like someone worth learning about. Thanks for sharing.
What a nice entry. I'm a fan of Aldo Leopold's works, and I am always happy to encounter another sign of respect that Wisconsin has bestowed upon this visionary person. I love the parks, plaques, and other memorials.
He was truly a person who made Wisconsin a better place, by impacting how we think about natural resources.
It's wonderful that you are passing on this awareness to a new generation, and instilling this wonder of the natural world in your children. :)
A Sand County Almanac = a wonderful piece of literature!!!
thanks for the links.
i think our boys would be the best of friends.
all the photos are wonderful, but the first one with the dragonfly is fantastic.
signs of Fall.... how I miss it!
Wow! What an awsome shot of the dragonfly!! Print and frame!
Looks like another fun day~
One of my all-time favorite authors. I've read Sand County Almanac countless times:)
What a great person to teach your kids about.
I learned a lot about Aldo Leopold in my college Biology classes. He was a really amazing guy. And a Sand Co. Almanac is still one of my favorite books, I think.
ive been away for a few days and you have not let me down. full of wonderful adventures still. i am always so impressed at your creativity and your stamina. i LOVE that pumpkin picture!
Some swell guys came from Wisconsin, not just Leopold, but of course Governor Nelson as well. (Earth Day!) Leopold is definitely a gem.
Speaking of swell guys from Wisconsin, Aldo Leopold and Governor Nelson and also John Muir.
Wisconsin has a rich legacy of environmental stewards.
It's nice to see your blog entry. I am a huge fan of your blog and I think your parenting and curriculum is so wonderful. I really get such good ideas from you!
You and your boys are so busy! Whew! I don't know how you fit it all in...
Beautiful photos with this post. Thank you for sharing.
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