It is that time again. The time of hand drilling holes in pumpkins. A waits all year to drill this way. He can drill hundreds of holes in no time at all.

He has drilled only two jack'o'lanterns so far, but we have a few more saved to carve this week.

He'll be ready.
That looks fun. I think we'll do that with our kids this year!
We were just through Madison on Sunday--boy it was windy! Actually all the way from Indiana to Minnesota it was extremely blustery. We stopped at your Borders Books for a break from it. I was wishing I'd just run into you in the store! ha ha
They look gorgeous!
That does look fun.
Great pumpkins!
Here's a tip for further pumpkin carvings. Cut a hole in the bottom of your pumpkin instead of cutting the steam off the top. You can still clean out the pumpkin and place your candle underneath and you have a nice neat top.
Happy carving.
A boy and his tools :-)
Great idea! My son loves his hand drill and I never thought of using it for jack o'lanterns.
That's a great idea for carving pumpkins. We'll be carving ours tomorrow.
Wow that's fun!
We let our preschoolers pound nails in pumpkins at the wood working bench. They LOVE it!
oh hand drills are all the rage around here. we haven't taken one to a pumpkin yet, but that is a good idea. big pumpkins like in the US are so hard to find here. maybe we'll get lucky this year.
yours are great to look at though.
love the drilling...too fun!
That's cool.
We are lucky if a real jack-o-lantern lasts through a day, but if it does, collapsed it is scarier.
This totally cracks me up, for some reason. I guess that he can drill and drill, just for the satisfaction of it. Cute. Must look for hand drill.
I love this idea! As we went outside to carve our pumpkin today, my preschooler said, "I've been wanting to do this ever since last Halloween, and as soon as we're done I'm going to want to do it again next year!"
We're carving ours tonight!
Trev would love the idea of using the drill for pumpkins!
He asked me day-before-yesterday if he could drill on the log again!
great idea!
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