Wednesday, August 18, 2010

inside and out.

G sprained his knee, so we have been close to home for a few days trying to take it easy. It is hard for a spunky 5 year old to remember that his knee will hurt if he ... jumps, kneels, twists, bends, runs. So we go up and down, with a lot of ice, books, board games, snuggling, and craftiness in between.

It is getting better, and last night he even went on a 3 mile bike ride with his dad & brother (he was on a third wheel, so didn't have to pedal too much)! Being close to home is good, though, as the weather was gloriously cool and cloudy yesterday - and breezy enough at times in the past few days for me to venture into the garden without wearing battle gear to ward off the mosquitoes. I could even get close to the raspberry patch, which is good, because...

...they are here!!! Looks like we are going to have a bumper crop of red raspberries from our small 4' x 8' patch! While I am still only getting around a pint or so a day right now, there are so many raspberries still ripening --- can't wait!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. awwww, poor little guy! Glad he is starting to feel better but, yes, I bet that is a tricky thing for an active five year old to remember :-)

    Hooray for raspberries!

  2. aaaw, Man!
    So sorry to G!
    Speedy-quick feelgoods to him!

    That reminds me... need to go check on the raspberries.... :)

  3. How frustrating:( Hope G heals up quick.

    Yea for the raspberries! We got an early summer crop and am hoping for another one soon. We have a small patch ourselves, but plan on going to some "pick your own" farms soon for a bumper crop:)

  4. what a sad face! hope he is up and back to himself asap! seeing your raspberries reminds me of eating them from the vine as a kid!! happy thoughts!
    have a great week!

  5. Thanks everyone - he is a little better today, only needed ice once.

    Julie - we have an early/late raspberry type too (our goldens) having them most of the summer between the two kinds. Oh, I miss U-Picks. Can't pick most kinds of berries with the back (can't wait for apples - I can do that! :)).

  6. Get better soon sweet boy :)

  7. Good to hear that your little guy is on the mend. It's great that your garden is still producing so much!

  8. I do hope he feels better! It's no fun to not run around when you're a kid :).

    I'm loving the cool weather in the mornings here too ... I used to be a summer girl, now I am most definitely a summer girl.

  9. Oh, poor brave little man. Hope he's on the mend soon.

    I bet some of those raspberries might bring a smile!
