Sunday, August 22, 2010

hooping sunday.

Oh, Sundays. After a busy weekend we found ourselves trying
something new...going to a local hooping event!

Hoops, colorful lights, rhythmic music...
We love finding fun things we can do together.

All four of us danced and hooped and had a blast
(not to mention a nice workout!) - yes, even my husband!

Definitely going to do that again! Whee!


  1. That looks like so much fun!!

  2. We've gone a few times, so much fun in the winter!

  3. Jen - Yes! I heard about it from you. :) It was a lot of fun, definitely will be nice in the winter.

  4. Go? Can't you just hoop in the yard or living room? That's what we do.


    PS, it's great fun to make your own hoops with irrigation tubing & colorful electrical tape.

  5. A friend of mine lives in Madison and does hooping too....maybe you'll cross paths someday.
    As always, I love seeing our lovely WI(and dearly missed) in all your posts.

  6. Chole - I guess we just have a tiny yard and living room. ;P And yeah, go, it was a lot of fun! Lights, music, watching people who were doing really cool tricks, and of course a bunch of hoops there to use of all sizes so we could find what works best for each of us! It was fun!

  7. I had a blast!! Thanks for cluing me in!

  8. You just reminded me I want to have hooping workshops at the InHome! This sounds so fun... are they every Sunday?

  9. OK, I am going to have to try this! I have read about it and seen it so much lately, and now it it is time! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Laura - It is every Sunday now, I think. Want to come up one Sunday for hooping and then do Roman Candle for dinner or something? :)

  11. Tara - I am so glad you went! :)

  12. Oh I love hooping. Its become quite the thing here. THere are groups and performances popping up everywhere. And it is a great workout. Peace and blessings.

  13. Ha! Now thatz cool.. Looks like fun :-)

  14. Looks like fun. And very good for the waistline too.

  15. Anonymous8:02 PM

    that looks like SO MUCH FUN!!!

  16. That looks like an awesome cool time!
