Saturday, December 20, 2008

a room with a view.

Just listed: Winter Wonderland! Side by side snow forts, new construction. Open floor plan. Living room, entry way, sleeping hole, and custom shelving in each unit. Both snow forts are located next to a community room fort, with fortified walls and circular design. Lots of fresh air!

The forts feature hand crafted snow bricks and attention to detail. Cubby holes, nooks, and windows carefully included.

Rear walls are over 4 feet tall, offering optimum wind protection. Comfortable seating is also provided.

Conveniently located only yards from home for quick and easy access to warm apple cider and freshly baked cookies for the young ones, and for the parents, nice hot irish coffee.

Currently receiving a nice thick layer of fresh powder for that extra sparkle. Each is one of a kind! :)


  1. This tired Mom would love an Irish coffee!!

    The forts are great.

  2. Oooo...How nice! I especially like the convenience of the baked goods and the hot drinks so close by!

  3. I am wondering if I can afford to buy. Being yards from Irish coffee is a definite plus!

  4. I'd buy it just for the irish coffee!

    Love how you guys made the blocks...and I will have to give the cookies a try. Snickerdoodles are a favorite at our house and whole wheat anything is a plus!

  5. OOOO if it means living next to one creative mama like you, then we will take them...giggle :)

    The forts look a little igloo-ish...without the top. What a great day of memories.

    And how lovely to have a little hot toddy to go with the view!

  6. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Nice! We only have a few inches of snow on the ground, so forts are a little beyond our reach. But the sledding is great.

  7. Snow forts are the best! X plans to make one when her dad gets home. ;)

    Have a great weekend.

  8. Well, this listing should single handedly turn the real estate market around!

    Sweden's Ice Hotel has nothing on your little architects.

  9. Nice fort! We have one under construction. In past years, we carved out little spots to put tea-light candles. That's fun for a night when it's not too cold.

  10. That looks like a blast! especially with cookies and irish coffee thrown in!

  11. Now that's a house! I can't believe how much snow you got and how much work that must have taken! I'm impressed! Have your boys checked out I think your boys' construction tops theirs, though, anyday!

  12. Our kids can finally play in the snow, too! We are having a nice amount in Minnesota, for the first time in years. Reminds me of my childhood.

    My brothers and I used to have those snow block makers. My kids have been using the recycling box, which is huge and I don't know how they haul it around. But it makes great big fort walls, too!

    Now, if only we could get rid of the extreme cold so they could enjoy the outdoors more. It's -10F. here this morning, with an even more terrible wind chill.

  13. heehee...very cute. :)

  14. What a great fort!
    Wish you and your family a wonderful christmas!

  15. Thanks everyone. Irish Coffees for all! :)

    LisaZ-we just make blocks using a small plastic bin (from a toy organizer rack) lined with a garbage bag. Works great!

    It is 10 below here this morning too - with those 40 below windchills and a blizzard warning, well, we haven't been back outy! :) Supposed to get up to the 20s again by Tuesday.

    Beverly - we wanted to do that too! We made little snowball mounds to put candles in, but the snowstorm hit before we got that far! I know they can't wait to try it out. We should try carving out little spots in the walls too - I bet that would be fun.

    HOpe you are all warm and cozy! It is quite a day here! Happy Winter!

  16. Oh wow! Those are some really cool forts. ;) How fun! We're going sledding today....there's so much snow here, but it's so powdery that we could never make bricks out of it.

  17. What a wonderful creation! Great design and construction... what fun. We love snow blocks too!

  18. Anonymous3:31 PM

    AWESOME! We've got quite a bit of snow here as well!!

  19. Awesome snow fort! Just discovered your blog. I grew up in Madison so it's fun to see. Did I recognize Olbrich in one or two photos? I'll be back...

  20. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I'm drooling looking at those golden cookies!
