Saturday, August 09, 2008

On the Mend...

I feel like I am slowly returning to the land of summer and fun and sun and happy children. I have been in a fog of pain and immobility - back pain is no fun, let me tell ya. It has now been 17 days since I shoveled heavy dirt at a weird angle down the hill and felt that back twinge. At least the first 10 days of that were just painful. The last 7 days is where it got crazy.

I, for some silly reason, thought to attempt to visit a regular chiropractor since there were actually 6 to choose from in our entire greater metropolitan area covered by our insurance. Ahem. After 2 visits and me looking at this person babbling on in very odd ways and then being sent away (again) because I was in pain (uh, I thought that is why I was visiting??) and basically told to go to the ER and get and get prescribed some drugs first (?huh?) and come back when they sent me for physical therapy, I walked out that door (well, limped slowly clutching at the wall) and visited an acupuncturist/massage therapist that very hour.

Now, I will say that I have had a few awesome chiropractors over the years, but after my experience this week I wasn't about to play insurance roulette again, and I am very glad I didn't. One acupuncture visit and 2 acupressure (including a partial maya massage) appointments later I am walking. I have been following recommendations and taking chinese herbs and arnica, drinking kombucha and am getting much better. I can walk. I can sit for a little while. I can dress myself again. I can breathe. I got out of bed all by myself this morning. Yay! Slowly but surely doing better. Life is good.

OK. Enough rambling on about myself. Geez. :) The boys have been really great through all this and were so helpful this last week - but I have been feeling bad that they had so much inside time when it is SUMMER! So, since I was moving better today we took the boys to a local park. They splashed in some water a bit, walked around the pond, identified wildflowers, and played on a nice shady playground.

We all needed some sun and fresh air. They were so happy - what a nice time.

Thanks, little guys.


  1. praying for you
    hope you continue to heal

    your boys look very very happy


  2. oh boy...i am so sorry you have been down with your back...i can't even imagine how crazy life must be when the mama can hardly get out of bed...i hope today is the start of more sunny mornings & easy get up and go mornings...

    out and about looks like it brought smiles to your guys.

  3. So glad you are feeling better! I hope the upward trend continues!

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    awww. such sweet boys.

    hope you are feeling weel again soon. keep taking them herbs and drinking that cha.

  5. Those smiles from the boys could heal anything, you are really good at capturing those special moments.

    I am glad you are on the mend. It is hard to be on your back when we have so much activity around us. I find if I can let go of the guilt about what I should be doing I heal much faster, if I constantly fight myself and think of all the "shoulds", my energy becomes stagnant and I can't get over 'myself'. It seems like you are doing all the right things:) Take care!

  6. I'm so glad your doing better! Don't push yourself too much, you still need to take it a bit easy.
    I know when I started to feel better I did way too much and kind of had a set back. blah!!!
    A & G looks like they had a great time. The water fountain looks so fun!

  7. I am so glad you are starting to feel better!
    Oh, and that third picture of G is really great!

  8. That's crazy, what happened to you at the chiropractor. Good for you for going and getting the help you needed. It looks like you have some very nice parks in your area. Cute pictures of your boys!

  9. Sorry to hear that you have been having such a hard time and glad to hear that you are on the way back to feeling good. I hope you will be back to your garden in no time.
    The one positive thing I can say about experiencing a difficult time healthwise is that, once you start feeling a bit better, you sure gain a whole new appreciation for the good health that we usually have. I've recently learned this valuable lesson myself and each day that I feel good I am truly thankful for it.
    Healing thoughts to you.

  10. Ha! Love the close-up playgroung shots, too cute!

    I'm glad to hear you found something that works for you and sending you good thoughts on recovering completely!

  11. Oh dear - debilitating back pain is no good! We just went through that last year with Rob. UG. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and have found some things that help. And, serendipity again, I was just sipping kombucha this past weekend too. But not for the same reason - thank the higherpower! Mend quickly, my friend.
