Saturday, May 17, 2008

Photos of the Day - Boys.

It is that time of year again. Ice cream and carousels. Makes for happy boys!


  1. Now there's some great smiles!

  2. Awwww. Great photos of the boys, Denise.

  3. The look completely in the moment..... they look as if they are just exuding joy!

  4. Those boys are so cute!

  5. Great photos, but they make me think of fall not summer--we end up on carousels at the state fair!

  6. Super cute smiles! Our nearest town has several old carousels, a wealthy business man donated them to Binghamton. His only request was that no one had to pay for them, ever (He thought carousels were the right of childhood and no one should be deprived)! We spent a Sunday afternoon last summer driving from carousel to carousel just to ride them, after the sixth on we were feeling a little queasy!

  7. I recognized the horses before I even read the part about ice cream! I have spent a lot of time on that particular Madison carousel myself in the last few summers...and need to be careful about driving by now that the "cover" is's hard to turn my daughter down once she starts begging to go there!
