Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Window Garden.

For all of you just bursting with curiosity, wondering how our window herbs and veggies are doing, well - here you go!

Our herbs are little, but the cilantro smells wonderful. The carrots, radishes, and scallions are looking good. Lots of top and not much root yet, but moving along!

The boys have liked watering, thinning out, checking, watching, waiting. And all of the bright sunshine we have had this week means they have gotten very leafy up top.

We are finishing up our garden plans and what seedlings will start when. A loves the trays and lights and lids and warming pads and the spray mister. So he is ready to go go go! I think I am as well.


  1. This is so neat. I've never been a gardener at all, so I think I would learn at least as much as my three-year-old if we were to try this . . . OK, wow, now I want to grow something!!

  2. I am soo ready to get into the garden. Monday was in the 50's! but now its back to winter as usual, we have ordered all our seeds but I still look at catalogs nearly everyday! Thanks for sharing a little bit of green.

  3. That's great... I love that you can see the roots growing from the side view. don't worry - spring is on the just have to hold on for a little longer.

  4. I love that rooty thingy majigg! Xxx

  5. I've been holding off until I'm sure the frost won't come at night to plant some lettuce. I'm hoping to plant on Friday. Your indoor garden is wonderful!

  6. I see you've got some sun there. How lovely for you!

    Tomorrow we're picking up old windows and this weekend building our cold's time!

    It was down to freezing last night, winter is trying to make a little last show here.

  7. It's settled- today Owen and I will embark on a quest for some seeds, soil and pots! I wasn't going to do any planting this year- we will be moving in a few months- but I can't resist!

  8. I think Spring Fever has officially set in here too! Great setup there. I'm still pouring over my seed catalogs, feeling a little bit behind with the garden plans...

  9. Oh, it looks great. We must soon start the parsley for the Seder. Very soon.

    Everything else must wait until the first week of April. We can't plant anything outside until the middle of May. Not at 7500 feet.
