Sunday, November 27, 2011


Seven! Can you believe it? G is SEVEN today. After my asthma boy had a rough two weeks of being sick, he felt *just* better enough for his birthday overnight at a local hotel this weekend. We went swimming, sat in the hot tub, watched a movie in bed, and went out to dinner. We came back last night and were home today for his birthday. While he is still on the mend, he had a fun birthday full of family and lots of love.

Seven years have flown. G is such a gentle, creative and yet funny guy. I think it can be challenging to be A's younger brother - but G has such a fierce and protective spirit and takes good care of his brother when he is having a rough time. Everything he does involves his big brother, and yet he is still intensely independent and a very unique kid. Every moment of life is big and exciting and fun to him.

I love him more than anything and look forward to the next seven years (14?!?!?!). Happy Birthday sweet boy.


  1. Ah! Seven, where have I heard that word before?!?!? Welcome to Seven!

    Happy, happy, happy birthday!!

    And, I'm so glad you sweet birthday boy felt well enough to celebrate.

    ~Jessica xoxo

  2. happy birthday G !
    great pics !

  3. I'm so glad that G was feeling well enough to celebrate and enjoy his birthday! Looks like fun.

  4. So glad to see you back in this space and celebrating your little guy's big day!

    I hope G is fully recovered and well rested and enjoys his year #7!!

  5. Happy Birthday to G from all of us!

  6. I wondered where that picture was when I saw it on fb, I was thinking, "i know they're not outside on lawn chairs with wet hair, in Wisconsin..." :)

    I'm so glad he was feeling well enough to have a happy birthday!!! Yay G!
    Happy, happy, Happy Seven!

  7. Happy birthday! My eldest daughter is 7 in May next year.

  8. Sweet Boy! It's a great age.

  9. Oh, I'm so glad to hear he is on the mend. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!

  10. I know I wished G a happy birthday on FB but I just have to say, he is so incredibly cute I just want to squeeze him. Once he has fully recovered though. :) xo

  11. Happy birthday to your boy.
    I hope his asthma symptoms will ease and disappear as he grows.
