Sunday, April 17, 2011


It snowed for hours yesterday, froze last night, and snow is coming again tonight. But it doesn't matter. It is April, it is Wisconsin, and it is Spring. Which means that beauty comes with a toughness to endure this weather. It isn't big and flashy yet - that will come - but it is there if you get close and pay attention. And it is glorious.

"April comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers."

~ Edna St. Vincent Millay

(bushes, raspberry shoots, rhubarb, lovage, lilacs)



  1. Indeed - I love "April comes like an idiot..." made my day!!!

  2. April can be a difficult month to endure ~ the weather is so fickle.

    You handle it with such grace!

    Your photographs are glorious indeed.

  3. We had snow here too but it melted as soon as it hit the ground. Spring will be here soon, I Hope. Great photos!

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    great quote :)! and love the photos! good luck with the rest of april, by the way. ;)

  5. Such pretty pictures! I am so happy that spring is here and can't wait for a few nice days to work outside!

  6. Just since the last couple of days we're moving from "mostly snow" to "mostly rain". That's promising!
    Soon there will be tulips... and lilacs... and lettuces and spinach big enough to eat...

  7. I love that quote!! And your post is so full of optimism and promise, love that too :).

  8. We don't have snow, just rain, rain and more rain. We're getting a few days of (relatively) dry weather. Spring is starting to spring!
