Wow. Has it really been 10 days since I posted? Hope you all had a wonderful holiday week. We went from sick boy to full on holidays with family straight to a week with my husband home and lots of work around the house.
Some people look to 'spring cleaning' for their annual refresh. We usually pick the time between solstice and the new year for the big stuff. Once we are done with the holiday celebrations we like to clean, organize, refresh and get the house feeling good. It is a wonderful feeling to have a cozy beautiful house for the new year and the deep freeze inside part of the winter.
We started out with putting away the holiday decorations, cleaning and organizing. We moved on to some new furniture, spackling, painting accent walls in many rooms, and re-arranging furniture.
So, we did a bit of this,

and moved the furniture in.

And did a bit of this,

and moved the furniture in.

And did some more of this,

and on we go room to room, rearranging and fixing and painting.

The boys have a new space - they switched rooms, added some new much needed furniture, painted a wall with the color they chose (a great robins egg blue), and have it just how they want it. Everything looks so fresh.
We have a few more walls on our list to complete before the weekend is out, and then we'll just have a few other rooms to work on each weekend for the next month (or two). Ahhh. Feels good.
We are ready to ring in the new year! We plan on having a wonderful evening spent together at home - enjoying the fruit of our hard work, bringing this year to a close, and looking to the future. We have good food, fun games, and some meaningful ritual. Bring on 2011!
How do you plan to welcome the new year?