Wednesday, November 17, 2010

bits of days.

We've been settling into the season a bit lately. We have had those days that are busy busy out of the house as we finish up the fall - days where we do so much of a thing and I take photos and want to share. And now we transition to days that on the surface I think are just little bits and feel I have nothing to share - which is funny, because in reality they are SO much more!

Home days are the days we love the most - while we enjoy 'activities' out and about all of us get a bit drained when in crowds and really LOVE coming back home to center and unwind and just be together. Not to mention we have so much we want to DO!

Of course this is the season for home - the weather gets colder, we cozy up, we craft, we read, we make, we bake, we share, we learn, we do, we wander and return, we play ... and then we do it again. We tuck in and keep asthma boy away from crowds and viruses and hopefully keep him healthy for the winter and his birthday (He's turning six!!! SIX! And his head is as big as a GIANT turnip!).

So some days it just seems like there isn't any'thing' to share. It is just bits. But all of those bits together make something very special. My kind of special.

So we go along, big days and small days, life feeling just right. We wait and hope and cross our fingers for snow. We spend time together at home, we are busy with our projects, and wander outside as a family in the nice crisp air.

Just what we all look forward to this time of year.

"In family life, be completely present."
- Lao Tsu

Yep, what he said.



  1. Please post more of your bits because this was one of my favorite posts of yours. We've had a string of big museum days, visiting daddy at his office days and going downtown days, but I think some of our sweetest memories are of making up new Potato Head creations or karate chopping the styrofoam.

    P.S. My favorite picture was of your son creating his dinosaur notebook. He looked like he was so into it. I love when kids get so intense into their projects.

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    great post and i love that quote. that transition from "out" to "in" is always a little tricky for us. the boys have enormous amounts of energy (i'm sure you're familiar with that;)) and so they've come to equate inside with being bored, cooped up, imprisoned even :/ i love the idea of an indoor trampoline though, very nicely done, mominmadison! :)

  3. I know just what you mean.. I am participating in NaBloPoMo this month, and some days I only have little bits to share, but thank you for sharing yours...very lovely!
    Are those the candied clementine peels that you mentioned on facebook?mmmmm

  4. Nikole - Yes, they are. They are really good too. :) Just need chocolate.

    Chris - Exactly! The a-ha moments are always when we are "puttering around". :)

    Cyndi - I really do love our indoor trampoline. It is only 36" around, but you put that together with the giant yoga ball (and soon to be rings hanging from the ceiling! woo hoo!) and much can be done!

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I've just found your blog - lovely photos and I completely agree about how life is lived in bits that mysteriously make up a whole that's much greater than its parts!

    I'm intrigued to know what the term "unschooling" means!

  6. So much deliciousness, and the photos are so beautiful!

    I smiled when I saw your title last night. Yep, I thought. :) She knows.
    And you did!

  7. I love hearing about the bits of your day! We too don't always have earth shattering news or projects or trips to share but its the bits that add up to the magical whole of homeschooling :0)

    Can't believe your youngest boy will be six!!!

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I think the "bits" are often more memorable than the big things, because they are so simple and lovely. Makes you realize how little children (and us adults) need to be happy and healthy! And i would totally love to curl up next to that fire with a pile of knitting :)

  9. such sweet bits. relaxing in front of the fire looks lovely! i love seeing your bits of days!

  10. Alyssa Tsagong12:22 PM

    Hi! just wanted to say if you all are coming to pull the sword out of the stone at Yuletide Faire (and I am confident your two are "true of heart" enough to do it!) come say hi to me or my hubby, we have a booth in the classroom nearest the front entrance of the school with items from Nepal/Tibet. I'd love to meet you after "lurking" on your blog and enjoying the similarities between our boys.

  11. Stephanie - Yes, we both do know. :) I laughed when I saw your header - that happens SO often to me with just 2 or 3 other blog moms. Synchronicity!

  12. Mel - I think I need you to come with a pile of knitting so I can watch you do things like hats and gloves. ;) I'm stuck on rectangles, squares, rectangles, squares. Ha!

    Tara - I know...SIX!!! Wow-za.

    Thanks Christine. Nice to 'meet' you.

  13. Alyssa1:06 PM

    yes - tomorrow. Dhondup will be at the booth, I'll be working my shift in my favorite room - candle dipping from 5:30-9:30

  14. I saw that you had posted last night but had to leave my reading until today, and I've only just written myself, so it's reassuring to find you saying something very similar about November. Yes, that's it exactly, "bits of days". Perfect, Denise.

  15. Most of our days are made up of "bits" too. Sometimes those bits interlock, sometimes they don't, but together they are indeed special. I hope you can keep away from viruses!

  16. Lovely. The whole thing looks just lovely and very seasonal :)

    I have to ask about the measuring of white hair though...firstly where does the come from and secondly, whose idea was it to measure it? Inspired, I'd say.

  17. Amy - I love seeing your bits too. ;P

    Kelly - The hair is from our angora rabbit - the last trim I just did. We were researching and reading about grades and length and all that - super grade is the highest quality, over 4" long, straight and clean. My trim was almost 6" (measured carefully by the boys in the pic), so it is definitely super grade...very nice to make yarn from. Since she is plucked and trimmed just 4 times a year, I have only done it 4 times now, so we are still getting the hang of it!

  18. What a wonderful treat to the eyes....looks like you've been busy...but I know, it's just life, right? Wish you well with your son's asthma, we have the same worries here...Livie had a rough night last night, had to use the nebulizer..she just picked up something over the last couple days, and I have no idea where.Great to see all your wonderful pictures and that last quote is perfect! : )

  19. Those little bits of your days that you shared here are beautiful. I don't feel like I have as much to share lately either. But, I do love this time of year.
