Sunday, October 10, 2010

heat wave.

I haven't been blogging much this week because while we have been inside a bit every day working on our projects, I haven't had much sit down at the computer time. In between our projects and crafts we have also been outside as much as possible, watching our world change colors and the plants do their end of the season thing, all under the bluest sky.

There is so much to see this time of year, and we feel like we must see it all, before the wind blows it all away, leaving cold and bare, and winter comes.

For the past few weeks we have been doing our daily walks later so we can wait for the morning chill to dissipate after the nice cold fall nights...but a heat wave descended on us a few days ago and threw us off, and we have been having a hard time switching to getting out EARLY for our walk before the heat and humidity hit.

It seems so odd to be out and about in a world full of combines, grain trucks, golds and oranges, falling leaves and fields of gold ... and hot tropical air?

But either way, we go out out OUT, and when it is too hot for them, the boys zoom as fast as they can to the end of the trail or path, sweating and red, ready to get something cold to drink and to get into the shade, not caring that if they just slow down it won't be so hot! ;)

I hear fall temps might be returning some time soon - can't wait. Hopefully in time for our short visit to Minnesota!

(crazy:: Madison set a record high Saturday of 85ยบ, a full 23 degrees higher than normal for this time of year.)


  1. It was SUPER HOT this weekend! I thought I was going to melt into the ground while we were touring the Galena Art Fair on Saturday. I'm ready for cooler weather!

  2. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Isn't it crazy? We actually went back to the beach today. I can't knit in this heat! Glad you guys are still going out and making the most of it. Bring on the cool weather, I say :)

  3. A week ago we were at or near ninety for about a week - now we're high of about 67 or so. :)
    Funny how that works!

    No freeze yet, if you can believe it!! Still tomatoes on the vine.

    I'll take it.

  4. Mel & Astrid - YES, it is definitely TOO HOT!!! I am not a hot weather person, and so am impatiently waiting for fall to return! :)

    A gets heat rash/hives/prickly heat and screams that it feels like bugs are under his skin when it is humid and over about 75-80...soooooo looking forward to long sleeves & pants again!

  5. Anonymous4:40 AM

    oh poor things! come mid winter though you might just look back on these days of heat and sun with fondness, maybe? :) hope it cools down for you soon.

  6. Crazy weather you've got there!

    We had our first overnight frost this week and have had fires going in the wood stove :)

    Beautiful shots of the wonderful fall colors.

  7. Tara - We have had some frost/freeze nights (down into the upper 20's). It was so beautiful to wake up to a crystal view! Hopefully that will return again.

    Cyndi - As cheesy as it sounds, I think it isn't the heat as much as humidity. It is 95% humidity right now (and it hasn't rained in ages) and during the hottest part of the day it is still over 50%. Makes my boys pretty uncomfortable...

  8. That sounds so strange to have such hot weather while it's looking like fall outside! Beautiful photos.

  9. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Gorgeous photos. Wish we could take our morning walks in your neighborhood!

  10. Abbie - Oh, these pics are at Olbrich. Lucky for us it is only a few miles away, so we go there often! :)

  11. I ccouldn't get my boys to slow down either:)

  12. It is warm where we are too, and some days we've been in the ocean even! We are on the west coast of BC, and we are still harvesting tomatoes, eating outdoors, playing in the creek and just soaking it all up until the chill and damp of our typical fall/winter really moves in. Love your photos of the seedy things. :-)

