Wednesday, March 17, 2010

sunny days.

While it is unusually warm this week - in the 60's and sunny (in March! in Wisconsin!) - we have spent much of our time inside...with a sick boy who can barely move off of the couch. Poor guy. Today the boys did come out onto the deck with me for a bit to gaze in wonder at how the snow is all gone. G also had to do some dance and yoga moves, even though he is starting to feel pretty yuck himself.

They were thrilled to see all of the little plants poking their heads up - tulips, lemon balm, parsley, spinach, chives (boy are those plants in for a shock, it is supposed to snow this weekend!).

I have even gotten some yard cleanup and bed raking done. Sweet! It feels so nice to be able to sit outside in a chair, without a coat, and just soak up the sun and watch the birds.



  1. Yes, it HAS been nice. I really, really hope that prediction of snow flies away. I think we're all ready for more warm, spring weather after that cold winter.

  2. Love him doing yoga and picturing you sitting in the sun, so nice.

    Do you start flowers and herbs from seeds too or buy plants? I read your post about companion planting and want to get some of the 'good' and 'bad' but I'm not sure if I have time for them to grow.

  3. Sounds much like our days! Sick-spring-sick-spring... repeat. Wishing you wellness!

  4. Your basking boys are too cute! Hope they get better really soon!!!

  5. Astrid - I know. Part of me doesn't mind extending the cold until I can complete all my indoor projects first (!!!), but it would be nice to have a mild spring.

    Brianna - I do start some from seed, but with all the veg/herbs we start from seed I just don't have enough room for any more seed trays! So, many of the flowers I direct sow!

    rachel -Thanks. Hope you are all feeling better too!

    se7en - thank you! :)

  6. I can't wait to get my garden started I need to go to a nursery and see about already started plants.. :D

  7. Katrina - The farmers market has a LOT of seedling vendors in the spring. You can find just about anything! :)

  8. It has been slow going for me, but I'm gathering my seeds and planning some new raised beds. Isn't it always about trying to find more room to grow stuff? Are you getting another plot again this year? (referencing the shady one last year)

    I loved the snow this morning. The rhubarb shines so bright next to it. Your plant is popping up nicely.

  9. Hope the sun continues and the boys feel better soon~ :)
