Monday, March 29, 2010

a first.

Last weekend A competed in his very first karate tournament. He has had the opportunity to enter before, but we knew he would let us know if/when he was ready to do more than just classes. This time when the tournament flyer was passed out, he told us he wanted to go and compete!

A is an intense sensitive kid. Huge crowds, bright lights, lots of noise ... all can be tough for him, so we knew to keep it steady and follow his lead to help him manage his first experience in a gym with over 1,000 people (it is the largest tournament in the state).

He practiced and practiced all week (he had his brother play judge) - from walking on the floor and approaching the judges, to his form, bow, and exit. He was ready, excited and determined!

We didn't go too early so we didn't have to sit for too long, but we went early enough to watch several of the black belts from his karate school compete in weapons. Sitting in the stands and cheering for people he knows was a great way to loosen up and get a feel for the place.

When it was his turn to do his form he was cool and totally focused. I was impressed that he was not flustered at all with all that was going on around him. He was awesome! :)

I love watching my boys as they make decisions, try new things, grow and expand their world, and pursue their interests. I'm so proud of him. He's quite an amazing kid!


  1. Woweee!

    Oh!! Congratulations to A! What a huge, fine accomplishment!

    So awesome that he was able to focus and breathe and be at ease in the competition.


  2. Anonymous11:21 PM

    woohoo! congratulations A!!

  3. Too amazing! Congratulations. Those are unreal crowds, I don't know how I would have handled that. Don't our kids surprise us sometimes. Boy, is he growing up :) I would have been in the stands crying my eyes out.

  4. That is sooooo cool! I love when our children show us whats up and completely throw us off. That is great that your son followed through on his wish to compete. Good job!


  5. Congratulations! Competing in those tournaments is both exciting and nerve wracking. I'm glad he was able to focus and not worry about all those other people.

  6. Way to go! Congratulations to your karate kid! My son is a judo boy - he loves it. No competitions yet, but not far off I think. Don't you feel so proud of them.

  7. Hurrah! Totally awesome and wonderful for everyone!

  8. congrats! that must be such an awesome experience - to see your kid participate, but even more, to take the decision and follow up through practice and dedication.

    and yes, those are solar panels on the roof and water containers. israel sucks when it comes to environmental issues, but is quite big on that one thing - to heat water through solar power. and that's about as far as it goes.

  9. congratulations, A! This is terrific!

  10. This is wonderful, congratulations A!

  11. Holy smokes! What a big event for a little guy! My kiddo would still have a nervous breakdown at something like that, so it's wonderful to see how another kid grows into it.

  12. That top photo is just priceless, congrats A!
