Tuesday, February 23, 2010

things i love pt. II

Following our passions.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Long-time-reader-but-never-commenter here. My 4 year old is obsessed with robots and we've been building kits lately. I've not taken the leap into programmables but am curious which system this is.

  2. Becky - My son too! He has been interested for ages. He has built some of the smaller robots - voice command, follow the line, etc. This is his first programmable. It is a Lego Mindstorms kit - we just got it not long ago (he's turning 7, and has seemed ready to get deeper into programming, etc.). He is interested in the Lego League (http://www.firstlegoleague.org/) and hopes to join a group as he gets more into it. He is doing the builds, programming light/color/touch/motion tests, and doing well with the software. Totally his thing! :)

  3. This looks amazing - something I definately need to look into for my soon to be 7 yr old lil guy:)

  4. Looks amazing - can't wait to get something like that for my soon to be 7 yr old!!!

  5. A double hurrah to that! Hurrah, hurrah!!

  6. Pleased as punch, I'd say.

  7. Hi, great robot. Give a wave over toward the university. Dad Windu is taking a week-long class there right now!

  8. it's good to see how young kids today are showing interest in computer!

  9. what beautiful pictures! found your blog through happy bambino and can't wait to read more!

  10. You are doing a lot of great creative stuff with your kids. Keep it up. Thanks for the inspiration! (We also home school our 2 girls)
