Sunday, February 22, 2009

museum exploration.

This was the first year that my boys were ho-hum about going to the annual train show - kind of the same'ol thing, after a few years of attending. Yesterday we had a big snow and stayed close to home, but this morning the boys jumped at the idea of heading east to visit the Milwaukee Public Museum instead of going to see trains. The museum is so huge there never seems to be much of a crowd and we can wander and explore so many interesting things - insects, dinosaurs, ancient peoples, Asian art, geology, rain forests, Native American culture and history, and life through the ages.

It is such a big place that G my little asthma boy has to 'stop to catch his breaf', and so we walked a bit and then sat and people watched our way through (G also got a lot of shoulder & piggy back rides! :)). As the boys get older we can stay longer and longer and made it many hours today as the boys wanted to stop, read, and explore so much in each section this time.

A really loves science and all of the little details. We have been to this museum many times, but the trip today started many new conversations and sparked new questions from him. I love seeing what new things he notices each time we go. He is getting so big. I can't believe he is going to be six in only a few weeks. Wow.

With the snow and the museum, it was a nice weekend with a little home and a little exploration. We also visited a great local garden store over the weekend - and found several eco-friendly options (non-peat) for seed starting mediums. Can't wait to try them (more on that soon!).

I'm ready for a week of Mardi Gras kid fun, frenzied garden sketching and plotting, bread baking, insect research, science projects, basement seed station organizing, birthday planning, snow shoveling, and more! Hope you had a nice weekend!


  1. What a wonderful museum! And how great that you are getting to the stage where you can "stop, read and explore!" We have one there but the other... well, a few more years!
    Really enjoying your blog!

  2. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I would totally take snow and great museums over sunny, warm weather.

    Hmm, actually maybe sunny weather and museums. I don't know about that snow stuff.


  3. I'd like to know, what is that watch on your son's arm? Looks interesting. Ryder is very interested in time these days.

  4. Darla--It is an Omnitrix. It turns him into an alien. ;P

  5. That museum display is fantastic!

    More snow here today... I'm not sure we'll ever dig out lol :0)

  6. I love the Ben 10 omnitrix! My sons love that show.

    The museum looks like so much fun. I wish that we had one like that here. When we went to D.C. last year my kids loved the Smithsonian museum. We are going to have to go back again. :)

  7. You do such fun activities with your boys, and they are learning so much all the time. The museum pictures look great. What a fun place!

  8. We missed the train show for the first time since moving here this year. They do grow up, don't they?

  9. Anonymous9:19 AM

    This is great, we're headed to Milwaukee next weekend and will definitely visit the museum. Griffin is very into dinosaurs right now.

  10. Those are great pictures! I love the one where you can see you taking the picture through it!

  11. Ahhh Ben 10. We haven't seen it yet but recently went to a b-day party with the theme and he's hearing about it at school. Now I know, thanks.

  12. Oh, an afternoon spent at a museum is the best! The photos are great, and my oldest would love that watch too!

  13. Great time!
    Sounds like a fun and exciting week ahead.
    We have an omnitrix too:)

  14. Good times!

    Looks like an awesome museum!

    Have a wonderful week :)

  15. We love being turned into aliens around here.
    love that beepbeep-pshsssshhhhhhhhwh.

  16. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Sounds like you have all recovered. I love the museum in Milwaukee! Ivy and I also got sick and recoverd just in time to leave town for a week and a half. Our internet has been down at home for over a week now, thought I'd post a comment here to let you know we are still around and... the chickens are laying again! hopefully things will be back on line when we get home!


  17. Jessie - Hey! I was thinking about you guys earlier. I now think A actually had an injury, not a virus (head bonking in dodge ball - long story! ;)). But G is indeed back to spunky self. Woo hoo on the chickens laying again! A was just talking about the hens this morning. See ya soon!

    Candace - The museum is great - and there is a planetarium too...and always many big insects to hold!

  18. time! your photos capture so much!

  19. Well, we decorated some cans to use for some herb starts? That's the extent of our "Summer" gardening for now!
    Our small museum has recently been greatly expanded-can't wait to see it when it's done! Even though it was small it seemed to hold so much! I can't imagine what we'll see there now!

  20. I loved visiting this museum while growing up in WI. Thanks for bringing back fond memories and continuing to inspire me and my family with your activities.

  21. Anonymous9:29 AM

    We went to this museum when Ms D was 6 or so. Loved it...

  22. Anonymous2:27 PM

    ok, now *I* want a 'tree of life' taxidermied wall in my house. That's amazing!! What a treasure of a museum!

    Of course, no exploring would be possible without the OMNITRIX!
