Thursday, July 31, 2008


G was not thrilled that I only posted the photo of A holding his painting. He wanted his picture on the blog too. So here he is!



  1. very nice
    my favorite colour is red

  2. Awww, they both did a great job. Craft/Art time used to be my favorite with the kids, probably more for me than for them:)

  3. Anonymous3:58 AM

    they are both really beautiful works of art. i meant to comment yesterday, but didnt have time.
    and i'm with you on displaying child art. it is a must.
    once my husband's work mate came over for dinner and when she walked in said, "oh! how nice. your childrens' finger paintings. but why did you hang them in here for everyone to see? why not in the laundry room or some place like that?" yes, she really said that. crazy, isn't it.

  4. I love the frame pics...I need to do that too with my kids

  5. I love those paintings...FRAMED! What a lucky duck you are to have such great artists as kids!!!

  6. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Way to fight for spotlight time little guy! You deserve it!

  7. Oh G, I just love it. My favorite colors and I think I see a goose in you picture! You and your brother are wonderful artist!

  8. Ok, that is too cute that he wanted to make sure we all got to see is beautiful art!

  9. Tell G that I LOVE his painting!!! I am so glad that you posted it.

    How is your back?

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    G's picture is amazing, too! They can have a group exhibit!

  11. The paintings are certainly EQUALLY BEAUTIFUL!

  12. Very Nice G! It is such a nice feeling when you go into someone's home and they have family art on the wall.
    Just read your other comment about your back. Mine didn't want to work last week, I used lots of Traumeel and arnica, had a deep tissue massage AND my first chiropractor visit and a little talk therapy with my partner. Finally, it was able to release its pain. I think my back pain was related to feeling so alone here, my back went out the morning my friends from Ann Arbor left and I was feeling so sad. Ah, the psychology of it all.

  13. BEAUTIFUL! Love the frames...and kids artwork is the best!

  14. Anonymous11:38 AM

    you are the best mom ever!
    i'm so inspired by you. I don't even have children yet. though i am an un-employed art teacher, so i really appreciate the hands on exploring, creating, and learning.
    you're boys are so lucky to have you for their mom.
    ~holly of petite farragoes

  15. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Oh my gosh! How could you resist those sweet eyes. G looks so proud of you work, as he should be.

  16. the cuteness is hard to handle...

  17. Budding Miro's for sure! The paintings look stunning framed.
