Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Weaving Towards Spring.

Another sunny cold day - and a BLUE sky! A few bright days in a row and we seem to have more energy and focus and are getting back into our rhythm of things. Every year as March grows nearer I feel that optimism creep in, and even though I know that the cold and snow are far from over, that sense of spring coming sparks energy and promise.

Today A tried out a new project he picked out. He learned how to weave with a hand loom. It was fun. I threaded the base, but then he did the over/under/over/under of the needle and pulled, tightened and lined up the yarn for each round. He was very focused and interested in it. Of course he wanted to finish it quickly (he wants to make a case for his pencils), but some things take more time.

The sunshine in the front windows was calling, so he found a place to stop and says he will return to do more again tomorrow!

If you are interested in reading more about weaving with kids, this is a great book: Kids Weaving: Projects for Kids of All Ages by Sarah Swett.


  1. Blue skies and handwork, a perfect day!

  2. I have the same feeling in this moment... winter is over (well, we don't have snow anymore down here!), and we are starting spring projects.

    Thank you for the book's link. This is one of the things I thought I could not teach to my kids if I was homeschooling them. Apparently, that's not true!

  3. The weaving looks like fun!
    The globe header is great!

  4. Oooooooo, my fingers are getting itchy!
    We are just starting to get our rhythm back too, we went a little manic & forgot we were doing for a while there.
    Must be a Feb. thing...Xxx

  5. I feel as though I am waking from a long winter's dream. I was just thinking the other day that it finally feels like my body has just caught up with all the missed sleep from the last market garden season. While I am itching to get my fingers back in the earth, i am not looking forward to the insanity of it all, its a lot of work for two adults and one 12yo! But Spring is coming! (can't wait for something green to eat from the garden!)

    I love weaving, when I worked in the Kindergarten, i loved watching all those little chubby fingers work the yarn in and out, it was a real work of will for them. They all worked a piece together for something for the classroom and so when they left to go to 1st grade we had a little piece of them left in the classroom. I have a table loom set up in my living room, one day I will learn how to warp it and weave something beautiful, but for now its a piece of furniture, that I like to look at, to remind myself of future times where I will not be so busy and I can teach myself to weave.

  6. It is amazing how restoring a couple days of sunshine is. My spirits are high.

  7. That blue sky looks beautiful. What a great project for your son, we've only tried potholders so far (with the loops and the plastic frame).

  8. It's amazing what a difference a couple of nice days can make! I love the new blog header!

  9. i second what lizz said above, blue skies and handwork...a PERFECT day! :) oh and denise, i should be FINALLY listing those window stars in my shop tonight, in case you want to come and take a look. :)

  10. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Ha! Georgia is taking a turn at the very same thing, and promises me a gift some day soon.

    Yes, February may not be the cruelest, as they say, but it is the darkest.

  11. so many thnaks for the weaving book link! i (35 year old kid...) acquired a school loom a few months ago and haven't mustered up the nerve to dive in. this is exactly the type of motivation i needed!
