Monday, February 25, 2008

More Photos...

Weekend snapshots.

Fresh sourdough bread.

The ice holes are so bad in our neighborhood it is like a roller coaster ride just driving home!

Small town Wisconsin (could this be where Mr. Depp will be filming?).

We love marbles!


  1. The koi!
    The bread!
    The boyz!
    I love your blog...Xxx

  2. Nice photos, cool mural!

  3. Oooo that bread looks so good!

  4. Nice town, great looking bread and the cutest boys!
    Owen has a marble run game too.

  5. Rumor has it Depp will film in Darlington, WI-- famous for Canoe Fest and the bar in which I met my husband the summer of 2000. ;)

  6. Sniff*Sniff* Missing Madison. Love your marble run!! Very cool, and I really like the new banner. Perfection.

    And Jada, the rumors are oh so true. I mean, it was in Darlingtons paper and all so it must be true, right. I just moved from there and can't believe I now missed seeing Johnny. Probably in the very same bar you met your husband.

  7. The new banner is great and I love the photos! That marble run is really cool, and I could almost smell that delicious bread.

  8. This week I read in the WSJ, I think, that Columbus was working on the contract nego for the film Darlington is in the mix. The mystery deepens!

  9. yum, bread ummmmmm....

  10. When I was a kid, I had a handmade marble toy. I absolutely loved it. It's one of those things that I wish my mom had held on to so that I could have passed it on to my daughter.

  11. I love your marble run - where did you find this one?

  12. kat-We bought it at a Waldorf store when visiting Minneapolis last year - but I have seen it in town at JT Puffins and Playthings. We have the "basic set", and then are are expansion pieces. The boys love figuring out the different setup configurations as well as running the marbles once it is ready!

  13. Oh, these are very good! And I love the new one at the top of your blog as well. Isn't photography fun?

    How's the weather where you are? You talked about ice holes, so I am guessing that you are still recovering from the last snowstorm.
