Sunday, November 18, 2007

Yuletide Fair.

With my husband out of town for the weekend, the idea of taking 2 spunky boys to a crowded Waldorf School Yuletide Fair near Milwaukee was a bit intimidating. But we did it. And, although I didn't get as much holiday shopping done as I would have liked (well, basically NONE), we had a fun time.

There were kings and queens, court jesters and fairies, knights and maidens - all wandering the halls. There were so many beautiful hand crafted items in room after room after room. It was awesome. There were marionette shows, magic shows, musicians wandering the hallways, a pocket lady telling stories to all who would listen, the pickle man, jugglers, craft rooms, and performers and artists at every bend. The boys loved going from room to room, wondering what they would find.

We stopped for face painting, and both G and A asked for their own design (the beautiful designs offered on a chart were full face paint, which my sensitive boys cannot handle). The artists graciously agreed and painted nice pieces on their cheeks. G has the most amazing hair lately and it was particularly cute to see the girl trying to put a bobby pin in it to keep the wild curls away from her brush as she painted. He held SO still (esp. for a 2 year old!). They loved it.

We couldn't handle more than 2 hours of the crowds, and headed back home in the freezing rain. What a fun day! And while I didn't get to shop for any holiday gifts with 2 boys going this way and that, I did find the perfect birthday gift for my soon to be 3 year old. He is going to be surprised!


  1. Oh yay Denise I'm so happy for you guys that you went! And it was a Mama adventure. I look forward all year to our Waldorf school winter faire. And the May faire and all the other smaller activities.

  2. It looks like great fun. How fast the autumn has flown. A few weeks ago you got your last fresh, local vegetables, and now already we are approaching the turning of the year!

  3. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Everywhere I look, in every face, I see you.
