Monday, October 15, 2007

Books & Nature.

As part of Blog Action Day, we talked about what I might post. Would it be about all of the things we do at home or about the natural area around us here in Wisconsin. No, what I think is more relevant to us is life with kids. My kids are young, and I know that there are many things that are a part of our lives that also make an impact on who we are, what we love and are passionate about. For us, those things include books and nature.

Books are a big part of our life. The boys love books about habitats and environments we cannot see here in our area - oceans, mountains, desserts and all of the magnificent creatures that are found there. They also love books about other things like garbage, recycling, and conservation. It is an amazing thing to learn what happens to our water and garbage when it leaves our home, and about how what we do can impact the big picture. Here are a few we are reading now:

Why Are the Ice Caps Melting?: The Dangers of Global Warming

Why Should I Recycle?

Nature is next. We love to go wandering and exploring in the woods, on beaches, and in fields as much as we can. Be out and free a little more, see wildlife and insects and plants just exploding around us. Participate in conservation or restoration. Feel connected to it. Learn about it. Enjoy it.

What do you enjoy as a family that you feel makes an impact on the big picture of your lives : environment : above and beyond the obvious things (lightbulbs, cars, food, cleaning supplies, energy...etc.)?


  1. I hope you don't mind if I link to this. I did a post for this too, and I've been linking to friends (well, two so far) that are taking part also. :)

    Books were/are a big part of enviromentalism in our home. Once X learned to read, enviromentalism came naturally because of all the really terrific books, for both children and adults.

  2. denise, i also mentioned your post on my website today. i am truly impressed and encouraged as i am reading different sites that are participating in blog action day. thanks for your ideas.

  3. We'll have to look for some of those books at the library.

  4. denise what a lovely entry...and i so wished i thought of talking about our books that impact our living...but i left it up to our boys and well they are into making lists.

    i linked to your blog entry too. it is worth the read! thanks for being a conscientious mom who cares for our future.
