Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Days at home.

We have spent the past two days at home...with a car in the shop. We do spend many days at home, and do try to reduce driving, but mid-week is usually when we get out a bit more, go to the library, and have some playdates.

Being here on cool days means a little time for our projects, like the stick puppets. Also, cleaning up and taking stock of the fall garden. The cooler temps and wind have helped dissipate the mosquitoes, so I can actually go in the garden to clean up, check plants, and harvest. Our garden, with all of the rain of the last month, has just gotten out of control! Beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, eggplant, herbs, MASSIVE lemon balm bushes.

The pumpkins are early - so perfectly orange and smooth.

I had a bunny issue earlier in the season with the beans I planted on the arbor. With the rain, they were finally left alone to grow, and I now have a large vine filled arbor with beans beans beans, just hanging from the sky. I see people stop on their walks to look - yep, beans!

We have been bird watching too. Many new visitors as the weather changes. Yesterday we saw one of these:

A Northern Flicker - cool looking bird.

We also did a water/oil "experiment" today...lots of work for 1 minute of interest after, but sometimes it is the process, not the result, right?

It seems my 2 year old makes this face in about every photo lately, doesn't it?

Yeah, the pouring, food coloring drips, oil pouring, and taping was MUCH more exciting than the final product. "So NOW what do we DO with it, mom?" Um, LOOK at it? :)

We should hopefully get our car back in time to pick up our CSA share at the farm this afternoon! Yay!


  1. We have the Flickers here in the winter. They eat ants you know.

  2. What is it about cars in the shop? This is the third blog I've read besides my own in which cars have been in the shop! Is it the changing season or what?

    But you made the days good. The pictures are lovely and I can imagine your quiet days at home!
