Saturday, June 09, 2007

Our Garden...Blueberries, Herbs & Tomatoes

So much is happening in the garden, I love seeing everything coming along, and the boys get so excited whenever they see things growing and fruiting. They love to walk with me to check all plants, pinch suckers, and of course water.

We have blueberries! This is the first year on this bush, so it is small and we won't get much, but what we do have is coming along nicely. I cannot wait to taste!
I am an herb freak. I love walking out my front door and pinching off fresh tendrils and leaves for whatever meal I am preparing. The herbs are finally getting to the point where I can use them, which ties in perfectly with our first week of our CSA share. Right now I have cilantro, parsley, sage, rosemary, oregano, thyme and dill. I made a dill dressing for our greens tonight and it just tasted like "green". YUM.
A is so proud of his tomato plants (he specifically pronounces it toe-mah-toe, for some reason, not the normal american toe-may-toe).

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