Friday, June 15, 2007

Another fun book.

Don't Touch My Hat by James Rumford

A goes to a "Donuts with Dad" storytime at the library once a month. They have a morning snack, several stories, and a craft related to the theme. Last week they read several western books, and made spurs. A loved one book in particular, so we checked it out and have re-read it many MANY times this week.

The artwork is nice, and the story a bit funny. A cowboy/sheriff thinks his big 10-gallon hat makes him who he is, but in the middle of the night he is called out by his deputy. There are cattle rustlers, brawls, and disputes all going on at once in town. In the dark and in his haste, the cowboy accidentally puts on his wife's big flowery hat. He catches the rustlers, stops the brawl, and settles the dispute. When he gets home he realizes what happened, and that "It's the heart, not the hat." Cute.

A has worn his spurs, boots and a cowboy hat much of the week now (see him when we picked flowers for pressing).

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