Monday, September 06, 2010

what a week??

Did I say 'what a week' last Monday? As all of us mothers know, just when you think you made it through the worst of it...the other child gets sick...we even had a middle of the night ambulance visit. What a week!

I think I can honestly say we are through the worst of it - and the cherry on the pie is that my husband has two weeks off! We have several mini-trips and all kinds of creative projects planned for the next two weeks. A lot of fun, wandering, and 'catching up' to do. Can't wait to share.

Happy Monday!


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    So glad you are all feeling better. Middle of the night hospital visits are never fun, sorry you went through that.
    Enjoy the time together and adventures. Can't wait to hear about it.

  2. I can totally relate. I'm glad that your family is feeling better. Enjoy all your fun outings this week!

  3. So sorry! Hope you're all well now, and can fully enjoy your plans for next two weeks!

  4. Eek! Glad to hear that everyone is on the mend. It's always scary when you have to call an ambulance. I suppose the only comforting thing about it is that they actually come! Quite a godsend.

  5. Glad you will have some time to regroup and hopefully relax in the coming weeks.

    Hope the boys stay well too :0)

  6. middle of the night visits are not fun. i am so happy things are looking up!!! hope you had fun!

  7. Thanks everyone! It was a week, but the boys are so much better! :) We even had an overnight mini vacation in Iowa yesterday. Ahhhhh.

  8. Denise,
    Wishing you a great two weeks of meandering and enjoying and learning!

    Do you have a place to buy fresh, local eggs here in the Madison area?
    I am on the look out for a source and I thought if anyone might would be you!

