Ah, the home time of winter. Quiet yet busy days, soaking up the sun when it shows for even a brief moment, and puttering with our projects - building, writing, crafting, knitting, baking, making.

Writing lists (what is it with little boys and lists?), making comics and stories. Trains, molecule models, growing salt crystals, making verdigris coins. LEGO, microgreen growing, sprouting, chess games, saving and counting coins, piles of books to read. Knock-knock jokes. LOTS of knock-knock jokes.

Painting, drawing and performing. Dancing, science show watching, piano playing. Monopoly, tinker toys, maps, Ireland, Yellowstone, surface tension, fresh bread. Cleaning, organizing, purging, re-using. Adding, subtracting and multiplying using silly voices.

Butter making, tool using, house fixing and tinkering, cheese making, seed catalog browsing, garden planning, Nerf games, angora hand spinning. Oh, the list goes on and on and on. And I love every minute of it. Happy days with my boys. Bon hiver.
Oh, this sounds lovely. At times I wish I was homeschooling. Maybe someday...
Thanks for sharing. (I always love your photos.)
I just clicked on your "Boys Almanac" link and my AVG (Anti-Virus) blocked the link, saying it was "infected"
Just to give you a head's up! :-)
Erin - How odd. I just clicked it and it went w/o any issue. I also visit their blog often, and haven't ever seen any error!
A list full of fun and interesting things to do.
The butter making tool is beautiful and the knock - knock jokes are very familiar here too!
Your verdigirs turned out well !
Mmmhmm, know all about knock-knock jokes! :)
Eric (dh) said something the other day about how he was starting to look toward gardening.
"I haven't even settled into winter, yet!" I said. :)
what fun! I love your butter!! It's wonderful to be cozy inside playing together.
Sounds busy! Although I like to stay in the moment, I find myself looking forward to the end of my English winter and back to my California spring.
Yipee! What fun!
Eat some butter for me! ;)
Oh, Denise. I love my at-home days. Unfortunately, we have to be out today and part of tomorrow. I really did take an extended holiday this year, so Monday, back in the game, hit me like a ton of bricks.
I think that I'm cross-eyed tired.
I love your blog and your enthusiasm! Please share what's that tree tower your son is building, its gorgeous.
And more information on butter making would be great too!
Most wonderful existence your boys have! There simply is no time left for school, what with all the fun and learning they are doing :)
A friend sent me a link to your blog. it looks like you and your boys are up to some really cool stuff. I want to come hang out with you guys, but my boy is only 7 months. maybe in a few years :)
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