Last night G asked to have the training wheels removed from his bike. So, we did. My husband gave him a push and ran alongside, expecting to help a bit as he teetered, but G just rode away. No problem. See dad, didn't need 'em!

Tonight he hopped back on the bike and zipped around the alley with his brother and friends without even one wobble or tumble.
While we can feel the summer winding to its end, I have also been seeing his little guy'ness coming to an end too. Time flies, and my 4 year old is letting me know daily that he is always ready for the next big boy thing, whatever that may be.
That is the best photo of that marvelous moment - well caught!!! Fantastic achievement! - How cute are little legs on big bikes!!!
Oh my! I just started reading your blog and this is the first day you've popped up in my Reader. As I read about G I thought, "Aw, that's cute," and then I saw he is only 4.
My son is 4 (actually 4.5)...hes still on a tricycle & we're pondering getting him a 2-wheeler!
I'm so glad he's still content on the tricycle...I don't think I'm ready for the "I'd like to take my training wheels off" conversation anytime soon. HA HA HA!
Love your blog--even if it makes me a bit apprehensive about things to come. LOL
Two wheels! What fun--that is too exciting!
such a good milestone moment to capture, and really- i LOVE his expression!
How exciting! What a great day!
So wish that there had been blog back when my first son was born. It would have been nice to have been connected to a group of people who celebrate the energy of a child. I love when children learn how to ride a bike. It is amazing!
Great job, G!! I love that first photo! Binky was the same way. He just rode of into the sunset never looking back! And he was on to the next thing, like skateboarding and snowboarding. They are all growing so fast, Denise!
i do believe a riding a two-wheeler is a rite of passage. :) congrats to him on his new wheels.
i was pitting cherries one day and my oldest son asked for a screwdriver to take off the training wheels on my younger son's bike. i thought they were just playing around with tools, but nope! Lyle rode across the grass and that was that.
I feel you, watching your baby grow up. I can't say i like it too much.
Congratulations to your baby!
very cool! :)
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