Saturday, December 08, 2007

Holiday Train Show.

Yesterday we visited the local holiday train show. We have visited many times each year for 4 years now - and A who loves trains, has evolved from just shrieking as the train goes by each time, to standing to the side chatting with the "engineer" discussing garden railway, model scales, and track designs. Each year A has studied each train, each car, and remembers from year to year which trains have re-visited. It is fun to see...G, on the other hand, while he enjoys seeing the trains for a moment, was content just hanging out on the bench waiting for his brother and then wanted to go to the lobby for a cookie and cider. NOW. So interesting to see how different they are.

This year the show again included the fantastical artwork by Tatiana Katara. She builds amazing scenes, cities, buildings, and pieces from moss, bark, branches, twigs, berries, baskets, seeds, and more. They are wondrous.

For those of you from the area... should recognize the above -- Monona Terrace...

...and this is of course our state capitol. The little book on the stand in front of the capitol is open to a page which says "Be Nice." Photos cannot capture the detail of these pieces (click on them to view larger)-wow!.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, we used to go to the train show at the mall every year, at just about this time. N. was so fascinated. We have gotten busy and moved out of town and have missed it the past several years. Maybe it's time to renew the tradition.

    Those special designs by Katara are beautiful! Great photography!
