Monday, July 12, 2010

getting back to normal...

(weekend trip one year ago - july 2009)

Thank you for all of the well wishes and emails last week. I did finally visit the spine clinic and have been taking a powerful anti-inflammatory for a few days now. While we must stay close to home since I'm not quite ready to drive (and am not supposed to be exposed to any viruses while taking these) the boys have been happy to hang close to home with me. I am feeling much more mobile every day, and am optimistic that this is helping get everything back to my 'normal' so we can move on with our summer! We have several projects we are looking forward to, and I hope to share and post more frequently again as I can sit a bit longer.

Happy Monday! :)


  1. Happy Monday to you too! Cute pic of the boys :) Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better, hoping all that healing continues~

    Take Care,
    D :)

  2. lol - just love that picture.

    and how appropriate!! :)

  3. love and care to you my friend, hope all is well very very soon xx

  4. Glad to hear you are feeling better, hope the meds work for you. Blessings and speedy recovery.

  5. this is a super cute photo of your boys'! i love it!

    glad you are on the mend...i can't imagine how debilitating your back must be! Ugh!

  6. I love that picture of your boys. Keep getting better! I'm sorry that you have been in so much pain.

  7. I love that picture of your boys. Keep getting better! I'm sorry that you have been in so much pain.

  8. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Happy Monday!

  9. Oh, Denise! I have been lax in checking up and didn't know you were struggling so much! Glad to hear you in such good spirits, and that you are getting better!!!

  10. Oh goodness, hope you are up and running to enjoy the summer soon!

  11. What a sweet picture!! Hope your healing is rapid!! Sending you "pain free" thoughts!!
    xo maureen

  12. Had to say how much I love this photo! Glad you're feeling a bit better. Summer is not the time to be on bed-rest!

  13. Had to say how much I love this photo! Glad you're feeling a bit better. Summer is not the time to be on bed-rest!

  14. Hope the new meds do the trick and you can be off on more summer adventures with those adorable boys!!

  15. Hope you feel better soon!

  16. oh you poor thing! i really hope things are on a medn and that you did indeed get back to your summer and your projects. at least a little bit by now.

    all the best wishes to you. (and what an adorable photo)
