Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We found two little guys on the dill we picked last week.
The boys wanted to be care-takers for a while here...until they are ready to fly!


  1. we found a crawlie that creeped from one of our Mirabelle plums today... but I didn't want to raise it.
    Looked too much like a maggot.
    ;) (think it was a fruit fly?)
    And didn't want to encourage critters to live in our fruit trees.

    You definitely got the better deal.

  2. man, all your photographs are breathtaking & gorgeous!! can I ask what camera you use?

  3. We found two on our parsley. They were already huge, though. By the time I got around to snagging them one had already wandered off (hopefully not eaten). The one we brought inside formed his chrysalis within twelve hours. I love that my oldest never gets tired of watching this change even though we've done it for years!

  4. This will be a fun project.... the caterpillars are so beautiful.

  5. We have done this once before, about 2 or 3 years ago. Black Swallowtails - they are so beautiful and we had several neighbor kids come help release them. The boys are *really* excited to do it again...and this morning?? We have one chrysalis, the other looks like it is starting! :)

  6. Stephanie - Maggots. Hee. No, wouldn't want to bring that in the house. ;P

    Thanks so much piper. I have a Canon Digital Rebel XTi.

  7. How exciting! My girls just love caterpillars and butterflies. They also just discovered what an inch worm is and thought it was so cool. I love nature, it is such a wonderful place to learn and explore.

  8. Awesome shot!!

  9. Yay! We have tons of milkweed and I search it almost daily for one of these fellas...when your butterfly unfurls, check the wings...a black spot on the "bottom wings" means it's a boy! My niece had a teacher who collected LOTS of them, and they had a monarch release party every year...she taught me TONS about monarchs. We even got to see the chrysalis "dance"...amazing and rare sight.

  10. I love how you're always making science experiments with your boys. Another good reason to grow a garden:)

  11. I had the good fortune of seeing a black swallowtail actually lay the eggs on one of my fennel plant several years ago, and raised many of these guys. Now that I have kids, I so wish it would happen again. We do the monarchs every year though....
