Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Eat Local Challenge 2007.

"For the third year in a row, the Eat Local Challenge website, in association with the Locavores, is hosting a month-long Eat Local Challenge. This year, the challenge is in September with an emphasis on canning and preserving the bounty of September for the winter months.

During this time, nationwide participants focus on what foods are available in our local foodshed and how we can support our local farmers. This year, we have received many inquiries on the ways that supporters of the Eat Local Challenge can participate. While the original challenge premise involves eating as much food from your local foodshed as possible during the month, there are many ways that you can participate."

Click here for all of the details and ideas of how you can participate!

I'm braindead from working wayyyyyyy too many hours this week in the middle of the night on a big project while the boys sleep! I'm sure I'll be more chatty about it later! Until then, does anyone in my area grow coffee beans? ;)

1 comment:

  1. I have thought long and hard about doing this challenge. I think that it is a fantastic idea. However, coffee was my big thing too, and I haven't been able to find any, not at the farmer's market or at Brennan's, where I would kind of expect it. I know that when No Impact Man (in NY) did this, they did have to end up giving up coffee.

    I don't see myself giving up coffee anytime soon, although I only have a single cup in the morning.
