Tonight was the premiere of the octopus.
A first decided that is what he wanted to be this year, with G soon wanting that as well. I sewed these costumes - and let me tell ya - making stuffed octopus costumes with stuffed headed hoods, stuffed tentacles, suckers, and hand holes was interesting. They weren't perfect - but hey, it was dark, it is for one night, they looked adorable!

It was a great choice though, as stuffed layers of fleece with hoods made for cozy costumes on a very cold and windy night. Just as we were getting ready to head out to start, one of A's best friends came by so we hurried to join them. Trick or treating with friends is just more fun...

...Until A is sprinting 2 houses ahead of everyone, G is sobbing on someones porch when they only give him ONE candy out of their bowl, and I then have to carry a 35 pound octopus the rest of the way home. BUT - they had a lot of fun, passed several friends along the way, saw lots of neighbors they know, and I'm amazed a 2 year old made it that long before just being too tired.

I couldn't get either one of the boys to be still long enough in a good position for a photo to do the costume justice - but they really did look CUTE! :)
Hope you all had a fun safe night.